Back to school tips

Returning to school after summer break can be both exciting and a little nerve-wracking for kids.

Here are some tips to help them ease back into the school routine:

Establish a Routine
1. Sleep schedule: Start setting a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule a week or two before school starts to help your child adjust.
2. Morning routine: Practice the morning routine before the first day, including getting dressed, eating breakfast, and packing a school bag.

Talk about Expectations
1. Discuss details: Talk to your child about what to expect on the first day, including meeting new teachers, classmates, and any changes at school.
2. Set goals: Help them set simple, achievable goals for the school year, like making a new friend or improving in a particular subject.

Organize School Supplies
1. Backpack preparation: Go through the school supply list together and organize everything in their backpack. Label items with their name.
2. Workspace setup: Set up a designated homework space at home where they can focus and keep their homework supplies.

Visit the School
1. Tour the school: If possible, visit the school beforehand to familiarize your child with the classroom, playground, and other areas. You can also practice how to open a combination lock at home if your child will have a locker.
2. Meet the teacher: Attend any orientation events or meet the teacher sessions.

Encourage Social Connections
1. Playdates: Arrange playdates with classmates or neighbors to help them reconnect with friends before school starts.
2. Join activities: Encourage participation in extracurricular activities or clubs that interest them.

Speak openly about the good and bad with school
1. Open communication: Encourage your child to share any worries or fears about returning to school and address them together.

2. Reassurance: Remind them that it’s normal to feel nervous and that other kids likely feel the same way. Encourage them to practice self-soothing skills when they feel nervous such as deep breathing, listening to music, or another distraction technique
3. Positive talk: Speak positively about school and learning, emphasizing the fun aspects like recess, art projects, or seeing friends.

Practice independence
1. Self-care skills: Encourage your child to practice skills like tying shoes, zipping jackets, or opening lunch containers.
2. Decision-making: Let them choose their outfit or lunch for the first day to build confidence.

Stay involved
1. Regular check-ins: Once school starts, check in regularly with your child about their day and how they’re feeling.
2. Teacher communication: Keep in touch with teachers to stay informed about your child’s progress and any areas that might need attention.

These steps can help make the transition back to school smoother and more enjoyable for kids.


Back to School – Why Early Preperation Matters

Dear Parents,
As summer flies by, it’s difficult but imperative to begin preparing for the upcoming school year. By preparing in advance, you can ensure that your child has all the necessary resources, such as school supplies, appropriate technology, and learning materials tailored to their needs. Often times there is a ‘honeymoon’ period with the first few weeks back to school which can cause some parents to under-prepare then have feelings of regret or guilt later on. Early preparation
helps reduce last-minute stress and ensures a smooth transition back to school for everyone in the

Why Early Preparation Matters


1. Ensure Necessary Resources:

If your child requires specific accommodations, such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, early preparation allows time to
communicate with the school and ensure all necessary arrangements are in place. It is important to reach out to your child’s IEP or 504 team at the beginning of each school
year to ensure these plans are in place since these do not renew automatically! Don’t wait until the middle of the school year because it may be too late to implement a learning
plan at that point.

2. Foster a Positive Mindset:

Being organized and ready for the new school year can foster
a positive mindset in your child, making them feel more confident and excited about learning. Allow your child to pick out school supplies that fit their own style and personality to make returning to school more fun.

3. Communicate with Teachers:

Reach out to your child’s teachers before the school year
begins. Introduce yourself and discuss any specific needs or accommodations your child may require. Building a positive relationship with teachers can enhance your child’s
learning experience.

June is Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Let’s talk about it:

Despite the growing awareness of mental health issues, men continue to be an underserved population in therapy and mental health services. Studies show that men are less likely to seek mental health treatment than women. Historically, men have been conditioned to suppress their emotions, often being told to “man up” or “tough it out.”; This cultural expectation has profound implications, contributing to a significant disparity in mental health treatment between men and women. Below are some alarming statistics that highlight the critical need for effective mental health interventions for men.

 According to the National Institute of Mental Health, only about 1 in 4 men with a
mental health condition seek professional help, compared to nearly 1 in 2

Men are disproportionately affected by suicide. The American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention reports that men die by suicide at a rate nearly 4 times higher
than women.


Breaking Down Barriers: The Importance of Mental Health Treatment for Men and
Addressing the mental health needs of men is not just a matter of public health but also a societal imperative. Below are some key reasons why mental health treatment for men is crucial in addition to ways to offer support to the boys and men in your life:
1. Improving Quality of Life: Mental health issues can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Untreated mental health conditions can lead to a range of problems, including substance abuse, relationship issues, and decreased productivity. By seeking treatment, men can improve their overall well-being and lead more fulfilling lives.

2. Reducing Suicide Rates: Given the high rate of suicide among men, access to mental
health services can be life-saving. Therapy and other mental health treatments can
provide men with the tools to manage their symptoms, develop coping strategies, and
find hope in their darkest moments.

3. Encouraging Emotional Expression: Therapy can help men break free from the
societal norms that dictate emotional suppression. By learning to express their feelings in a healthy way, men can build stronger relationships and develop a more profound understanding of themselves.

4. Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders: Many men who struggle with mental health
issues also face co-occurring disorders, such as substance abuse. Integrated treatment that addresses both mental health and substance use can lead to better outcomes and a more holistic approach to recovery.

5. Encourage Open Dialogue: Creating environments where men feel comfortable
discussing their mental health is crucial. This can be facilitated through family and
friends, support groups, workplace wellness programs, and public figures speaking
openly about their own mental health struggles.

6. Challenge Stereotypes: Society must continue to challenge and change the
stereotypes that prevent men from seeking help. This involves promoting diverse

representations of masculinity and emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Men’s mental health is an underdiscussed issue in our society. By recognizing the unique barriers men face and working to create a more supportive and accessible mental health care system, we can help men lead healthier, happier lives. Its time to break the silence and ensure that men receive the mental health treatment they need and deserve.