1. Attention parents of High School Seniors!

    High-school graduation can be an exciting but stressful milestone for your child and entire
    family. Below are eight important tips to help your child make a seamless transition from high-school graduate to a first-year college student.

1. Financial Planning:
 Complete financial aid paperwork, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and any additional forms required by colleges.
 Explore scholarship opportunities and deadlines.
 Discuss budgeting strategies with your child for managing expenses during college.

2. College Visits and Decisions:
 Accompany your child on any final college visits or revisit campuses to help them make a final decision.
 Review acceptance letters, financial aid packages, and any scholarship offers together.
 Help your child make a final decision on which college to attend.

3. Housing and Roommate Selection:
 If applicable, assist your child with selecting on-campus housing or finding off- campus housing options.
 Discuss roommate preferences and encourage your child to reach out to potential roommates. A lot of colleges have social media or other platforms to connect students who are seeking roommates.


4. Academic Preparation:
 Ensure your child completes any remaining high school coursework and exams.
 Assist with registering for any necessary placement exams or orientation programs required by the college. Sometimes they are scheduled earlier than you may think! Encourage your child to check their email regularly for these dates.
 Discuss academic expectations and resources available at the college.

5. Health and Wellness:
 Schedule a physical exam and ensure your child is up to date on vaccinations required by the college.
 Review health insurance options, whether through the college or staying on your family plan. Also discuss and plan any new physician offices or pharmacies that they can access if they are attending a college out of state.

 Discuss mental health resources and support available on campus.

6. Personal and Emotional Support:
 Have open conversations about your child's expectations, fears, and excitement about starting college.
 Encourage independence and decision-making skills while offering your support and guidance.
 Discuss strategies for managing stress and homesickness during the transition.

7. Practical Preparations:
 Create a packing list and assist your child with gathering necessary items for their dorm or apartment.
 Plan transportation to the college, whether by car, plane, or other means.
 Consider attending any parent orientation programs offered by the college to
learn more about support services and resources available.


8. Celebrate and Enjoy the Moment:
 Take time to celebrate this milestone with your child and family.
 Encourage your child to connect with friends and make memories during their final months at home.
 Embrace the excitement and anticipation of the journey ahead.


By completing these tasks together, you can help ensure a smooth transition for your child as they prepare to embark on their college journey. Best of luck!

Shannon’s Corner

5 Essential Spring Break Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

As spring approaches, parents are gearing up for the inevitable excitement and chaos that
comes with it. While spring break can be a time of fun and relaxation, it’s crucial for parents to
prioritize safety, especially if their children are embarking on trips or adventures. Here are five
essential safety tips to ensure a worry-free spring break for both parents and children.

1. Plan and Communicate: Before your child sets off for spring break, sit down together and
create a detailed plan. Discuss where they’ll be staying, who they’ll be with, and how
they'll be getting around. Ensure they have important contact information, including
yours, emergency contacts, and local authorities. Encourage them to keep you updated
regularly and establish check-in times.

2. Practice Sun Safety: If your child’s spring break involves sunny destinations, emphasize
the importance of sun safety. Remind them to wear sunscreen with a high SPF, reapply
regularly, and seek shade during peak hours. Encourage them to wear protective clothing,
sunglasses, and hats to prevent sunburn and heat exhaustion.

3. Stay Hydrated: Whether lounging on the beach or exploring new cities, staying hydrated
is key to a safe and enjoyable spring break. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water
throughout the day, especially in hot climates. Remind them to carry a reusable water
bottle and avoid excessive alcohol consumption, which can lead to dehydration.

4. Use Safe Transportation: Discuss transportation options with your child and emphasize
the importance of using reputable and safe methods of getting around if you will not be
with your child during their trip. If they're driving, remind them to obey traffic laws,
avoid distractions, and familiarize themselves with a map or GPS before getting in the

5. Trust Your Instincts: Above all, remind your child to trust their instincts and prioritize
their safety at all times. Encourage open communication and assure them that they can
always reach out to you if they need help or advice. Remind them that it's okay to say no
to anything that makes them uncomfortable and to seek assistance if they find themselves
in a risky situation.

Spring break should be a time of fun, relaxation, and new experiences, but it's crucial for parents
to prioritize safety. By following these five essential tips, parents can help ensure their child's
spring break is not only enjoyable but also safe and worry-free. Encourage these practices to
your child to make this spring break a memorable and safe one for your child and entire family.