Back to School – Why Early Preperation Matters

Dear Parents,
As summer flies by, it’s difficult but imperative to begin preparing for the upcoming school year. By preparing in advance, you can ensure that your child has all the necessary resources, such as school supplies, appropriate technology, and learning materials tailored to their needs. Often times there is a ‘honeymoon’ period with the first few weeks back to school which can cause some parents to under-prepare then have feelings of regret or guilt later on. Early preparation
helps reduce last-minute stress and ensures a smooth transition back to school for everyone in the

Why Early Preparation Matters


1. Ensure Necessary Resources:

If your child requires specific accommodations, such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, early preparation allows time to
communicate with the school and ensure all necessary arrangements are in place. It is important to reach out to your child’s IEP or 504 team at the beginning of each school
year to ensure these plans are in place since these do not renew automatically! Don’t wait until the middle of the school year because it may be too late to implement a learning
plan at that point.

2. Foster a Positive Mindset:

Being organized and ready for the new school year can foster
a positive mindset in your child, making them feel more confident and excited about learning. Allow your child to pick out school supplies that fit their own style and personality to make returning to school more fun.

3. Communicate with Teachers:

Reach out to your child’s teachers before the school year
begins. Introduce yourself and discuss any specific needs or accommodations your child may require. Building a positive relationship with teachers can enhance your child’s
learning experience.